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Cover Stories

Transformed Schools Receive Recognition 
With active participation of school administration, members of the School Management Committee and the Village Development Committee, along with Gram Panchayat, the lives of students in two schools have been transformed under S M Sehgal Foundation’s Transform Lives one school at a time program, and the schools has been recognized with awards for cleanliness. The Zila Parishad Upper Primary School at Wakod village, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, received the Swachh Vidalaya (clean school) award at the district level from the Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Education, Government of India. Government Senior Secondary School, Sahudi village, Alwar, Rajasthan, was selected for a state-level award for cleanliness. After this recognition, the school will compete with others schools across India for the national-level award.

Women’s Gram Sabha Takes an Active Role 

Local participation is the key to development. This was evident when the Gram Panchayat in village Nidhona, Phulambri block, Aurangabad, organized a women’s gram sabha at the request of women’s leadership school members. The gram sabha discussed issues such as seasonal diseases in monsoons, chlorination of all drinking water wells in the village, repairing potholes, and information about government programs for women. The sarpanch, deputy sarpanch, panchayat members, panchayat secretary, and thirty-five women participated. And soon the road repair began!

Month at a Glance

Inauguration of School Rainwater Harvesting Structure 
On July 14, 2022, S M Sehgal Foundation inaugurated the rainwater harvesting (RWH) structure constructed in the Government Middle School, Khedla Dausa village, Nuh district, Haryana, under the Water for Future project in partnership with BMW India Foundation. So far during this three-year partnership, fourteen schools have been provided with RWH structures, ensuring access to safe drinking water for schoolchildren. RWH structures in another three schools will subsequently be constructed.

Nutrition and COVID Themes on Community Radio 
Community Radio Alfaz-e-Mewat FM 107.8 is presenting a thematic series focusing on nutrition, supported by SMART and UNICEF, titled Poshan Ghar (healthy house), and on breastfeeding and COVID-appropriate norms titled Swasthya Sankalp (health promise) supported by CRA and UNICEF. Both series will look at building community awareness on these topics and share the message of good health among the stakeholder groups of women, men, and children.

Cross Learning among Civil Society Organizations 
S M Sehgal Foundation team of Nuh, Haryana, facilitated four visits of cadres of women volunteers from not-for profit organization IBTADA. The visit generated a great deal of peer learning and reflections. Read a report  . . .

Invitation as Expert Trainer 
S M Sehgal Foundation trustee and CEO joined as expert for a learning event, an online certificate training program on Implementing Rainwater Conservation: Practitioners’ Perspectives on Rainwater Harvesting and Efficient Local Water Governance and Resilience, conducted by IMPRI Center for Environment, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development, with the National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs from August 2–4, 2022.

Sharing of Water Initiatives 
S M Sehgal Foundation’s Water Research and Training team presented about their work on arsenic removal at an International Workshop, “Water Purification Technologies, Arsenic Removal from Groundwater and Integrated Water Management, conducted by Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre) from June 28–30, 2022.

Assisting farmers by strengthening Farmer Producer Organizations in Karnataka

Walmart Foundation is supporting a Farmer Producer Organization (FPO) project, implemented by S M Sehgal Foundation, to assist small and marginal farmers in Kolar, Karnataka, by providing agricultural machinery that will bolster their crop productivity, reduce drudgery, and facilitate timeliness of agricultural operations. Read more . . . 

Partnership Spotlight

In a CSR project implemented by S M Sehgal Foundation and supported by John Deere India Pvt. Ltd., an inauguration day was celebrated together with the community on June 10, 2022. Senior staff from John Deere handed over the transformed primary school to the community of Durganagar village, district Dewas, Uttar Pradesh, which included rainwater harvesting structures, community water tank units, and meeting with farmers to know how they have benefitted. Work with farmers was a special focus in the project, read about one such farmers training session was organized under the project. 


Handbook on Accelerating Informed WASH Behavior 

Marginalized communities in India still struggle with waterborne diseases, mostly due to unsafe drinking water, no toilets, and lack of hand hygiene. Less than 50 percent of India’s population has access to safely managed drinking water, which is further exaggerated by climatic extremes. This manual is designed to sensitize community members about water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). Read more . . .


Promoting Good Health and Well-Being in Rural Communities, Global Washington

Arti M. Grover and Pooja O. Murada

S M Sehgal Foundation’s focus on SDG 3 can be seen through the multifaceted approach it has adopted in its work to drive health and well-being in communities across eleven states in India. Read more . . .

Agricultural Diversification and Soil Health

Soil health is the most important foundation of agriculture. However, modern farming techniques like mono-cropping and chemical fertilizers, etc., have led to soil degradation. 

Read more . . .

Stories from the Ground


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SMSF Connect Podcast features a bouquet of interesting programs about rural development and other social issues and themes.  TUNE IN to our podcast channel on I-RadioLive. Podcasts also available on Spotify


Join Us!

S M Sehgal Foundation invites interns to join us in promoting rural development by sharing their skills and experience for empowering people in rural areas. See the list of projects available for virtual internships. Also see a video tutorial on Internships.


Meet our summer interns

Suhruda Dasyam is a student of MA Development Studies at B.R. Ambedkar University, Delhi. She is working with the Transform Lives program under the guidance of Mr. Ankit Ojha, assistant program lead. Her internship topic is 'Study on the benefits of digital and life skills awareness in rural youth.'

Sameem is pursuing his masters' in social work from Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh. He is working with Mr. N P Singh, program lead, Agriculture on analyzing the cost-benefit and adoption of agriculture interventions in district Nuh, Haryana.


Editorial Team: Arti Manchanda Grover, Marly Cornell, Pooja O. Murada

Contributors: Nasir Hussain, Saurav Sriwastva, Shruchi Singh

Photo Credits: S M Sehgal Foundation staff

Design and Production: Outreach for Development team

smsehgalfoundation | Plot No. 34, Sector 44, Institutional Area | Gurugram, 122003, Haryana